The StateVue Transparency, Open Government and Big Data Visualization Platforms for State and Local Governments
Transparency in government finances continues to increase in importance, but many state and local governments either can’t find, or can’t afford, the few commercially available solutions. Others have gone down the path of custom software, often with very poor results. One state lived with a “custom” solution that simply didn’t meet the needs of anyone – the interface was awkward, the system was slow and the information that citizens really wanted was simply unavailable.
StateVue aims to combine the benefits of an off-the-shelf solution with the power and ease of use of customization, at a cost-effective price. How can StateVue charge only a fraction of other commercial solutions, including those that claim to be user-configured? Our founding team members are serial entrepreneurs who do not need to raise tens of millions of venture capital to bring a successful solution to market! And VC’s want 10 to 100 times their investment back – so prices of VC-backed open government solutions have to be high! Our team has created a SaaS platform that can be “semi-customized” so that StateVue can deliver customized solutions at off the shelf prices.
- Are you frustrated with your choices for transparency and big data solutions for your state or local government?
- Have you evaluated pricing for other commercial solutions and had to acknowledge that there simply was no way your budget could stretch that far?
- Have you tried other commercial solutions and found that your team had to spend days, if not weeks, forcing your data into their “format” in order to use the system?
- Have you looked at other solutions and found the interface too difficult for citizens, but too limited for serious power users?
- Did you try to build a custom solution, only to have it fail, as so many custom projects do?
- Are the expectations for transparency rising among policy makes, citizens and advocacy groups, while you feel you have few if any resources to meet those expectations?
StateVue can help. We customize transparency solutions for states and local governments.
- We customize our system to your dataset – which means that data input is much easier and less time consuming for your team
- We customize the graphs, tables and information to your needs
- We do the customization, not you and your team!
- The user interface is simple and straightforward, but also provides power users with the access to raw data that they need!
- Implementation for a State transparency system can be completed in less than 6 months if your data is ready
- The only commercial solution that can include state data as well as data for some or all political subdivisions, including counties, cities, towns and service districts.
- Allows simple “checkbox” selection to enable comparison between entities or across years – anyone can quickly see charts and tables with their desired comparisons, and then download that data at a click!
- StateVue systems cost less for a first time implementation than “annual” maintenance fees charged by other providers, and an annual renewal fee that is about the cost of a student intern!
To reach us, send us an email at statevue [ at ] gmail [dot] com. Let us help you succeed!